Monday, June 23, 2014

Jump the Gun: Guardians of the Galaxy

Jump the Gun is a semi-weekly article where two or more HiddenLevel contributors voice their gut reactions to upcoming movies. Their opinions are based solely on what trailers, press releases, and information is available around the internet, oh, and of course their own personal bias towards the source material. None of the opinions are based on actually having watched the movie. Each reviewer retains the right to change their view after having watched the movie, if they ever bother to do so. After all, who wants to waste their money on a movie that looks like it’s going to suck? Unless you’re into that kind of thing.

Guardians of the Galaxy

(August 1, 2014)

Movie Summary: In the far reaches of space, an American pilot named Peter Quill finds himself the object of a manhunt after stealing an orb coveted by the villainous Ronan.

Brunpuppies - I love that Marvel is taking a risk with this one. It is totally unlike any of their other movies so far. I’m loving the classic Star Wars and Indiana Jones vibe coming from the trailer. Chris Pratt is great in Parks and Recreation and I really hope this is a big break for him. Plus, we’re getting Rocket Racoon on the big screen! Not really something I was expecting to see anytime soon. I just hope that this movie has the fun that the last 3 Star Wars movies really lacked. The Marvel Universe is just blowing up into something crazy awesome that I never would have expected as a kid.

Verdict - Opening Day all the way

Kevshiro - Ah, the Guardians. Most people don’t know who the hell they are. Like me. But since it’s a Marvel film and it’s going to somehow connect into the Marvel universe they’re creating, I’m all about seeing this one in the theaters.

Verdict - Very excited to see in the theater

SolidMike - I literally don’t know what the hell Marvel is doing with this film. Now don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the fact that companies take risks to introduce something new and fresh to their consumers, but this particular film looks horrible to me or at least the trailer does. The characters seem corny and boring and when I saw that racoon I was ready for the trailer to end. With that being said, I’ve never been the one to jump the gun on anything, so I will I have to see this film before I cast any “real” judgment on it. Verdict - Will see in theaters.

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