Sunday, February 1, 2015

Jump the Gun: Jupiter Ascending

Jump the Gun is a semi-weekly article where two or more HiddenLevel contributors voice their gut reactions to upcoming movies. Their opinions are based solely on what trailers, press releases, and information is available around the internet, oh, and of course their own personal bias towards the source material. None of the opinions are based on actually having watched the movie. Each reviewer retains the right to change their view after having watched the movie, if they ever bother to do so. After all, who wants to waste their money on a movie that looks like it’s going to suck? Unless you’re into that kind of thing.

Jupiter Ascending

(July 18, 2014)
(Feburary 6, 2015)

Movie Summary: A lowly Earth woman finds out she has claim to Royalty of the Universe and the current Royalty wish her dead.

Brunpuppies - I just don’t know if I care about this movie at all.  There are just too many other movies coming out that I really want to see that this hasn’t drawn much of my attention.  I guess if word of mouth behind it gets really strong I might take a look.

Verdict - Someday, maybe.

Kevshiro -  After a long, long hold they're finally releasing this movie and after all the fixes the trailer still hasn’t really done that much for me.  I look at it and I’m like, well I might be more interested if Mila Kunis has super powers but it looks like it’s really not that interesting right now.  Of course, if she get’s naked at some point during the film I’ll be glad to take a look, I mean, review this film in depth.  I’m sure there’s more to this film than just what is shown in the trailer so I think I’ll be waiting patiently for this one to come out on DVD.

Verdict - DVD for me.

SolidMike - Absolutely not, when I first saw this trailer I thought it was going to be another advertisement for a Verizon phone or something. To my surprise, I was wrong and kind of wish now that it was a commercial for a phone.

Verdict - Are you kidding me?

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