Thursday, July 3, 2014

Vin Diesel Loves Guardians Of The Galaxy

Last night on his Facebook profile, Vin Diesel gave his thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy after seeing the first screening of it. He really seems to like it.

Even though all who were invited to the screening were under a strict embargo not to say anything about the movie, Mr. Diesel felt compelled to write about it anyway.  Here is what he had to say:
I have to share this... My youngest who is 3 yrs old, has never been to a movie theater before in his life. Today, I was invited by Disney and Marvel to see the latest cut of Guardians of the Galaxy and I was able to take the angels. WOW!!!!!
To Marvel, Disney, the incredible cast and team and especially James Gunn... Thank you for making a GREAT MOVIE! It was amazing and will always be special, for it was the first film I was able to take my family to see and oh how they loved it. 
I, for one, really hope he's right and this movie turns out to be excellent.


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