Saturday, April 26, 2014

Games: G-dammit I want this game. Here. Now.

J-Stars Victory VS (you're going to need to be able to read Japanese for the site link) is every anime/manga person's dream.  Although I've heard some unsettling news that it does get old after a while but what game doesn't.  The only reason why you would want it is because it has all or mostly all or a couple of your favorite anime characters beating the crap out of each other.  You just have to get over the fact that even though some characters (Goku, Vegeta, Kenshiro just to name a few) have godlike powers that could destroy entire cities with a flick of a finger, sure they could still fight a baby like character and not destroy all.

You can order this game from or any other Japanese site and it WILL play on your American PS3 or Vita console but it'll still all be in Japanese.  This game needs definitely needs to come to the now.  Forget the translating, it's not going to translate over very well anyway.  I just want to be able to play my favorite characters and beat the crap out of all the rest of them, for about an hour or so. - Kevshiro


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