's really hard being a Nintendo fan these days. To be fair, I'm all for companies doing something different and separating themselves from the competition. But when those tactics completely fail, maybe that particular company should think of a whole new blueprint to their strategy.
It pain's me to say this (seeing how I grew up playing Nintendo consoles) but the Big N is completely out of touch with the market. Once again they're are backing out of one the biggest gaming events of the year to have their own digital version of E3 where they are talk everything Nintendo.
Now you may be asking yourself, "What was wrong with that?" and I will gladly answer; Nintendo is what is wrong! For past three years Nintendo fans across the world patiently waited for these conferences only to be disappointed one right after the other. Instead of Nintendo dropping some megaton news, the fans got a lackluster event fill with some disappointing gaming announcements.
One would think that Nintendo would realize that maybe this is not a good business and participant in E3 like its competitors (Sony & Microsoft) and stop doing these ridiculous separate events that does absolutely nothing for the company. But after seeing the video that they recently released to promote their digital E3 event, there's no denying that their arrogance and stupidity is going to be their Achilles's heel.
I really hope Nintendo gets their sh!t together. A world without Mario is not a world I want to live in.