Monday, June 2, 2014

Say Wah!? Transformers: Optimus Pen

Are you a fan of really awkward writing implements?  Do you hate pens that just sit in a cup and and don't even bother to look cool? Well, do we have the pen for you!

The Transformers Convoy (Optimus Prime) Pen!

This thing happens to have one one of the best looking robot modes I have ever seen for Optimus Prime, yet have one of the crappiest looking alt-modes.  I mean come on, that pen looks like a pile of robot parts.  However, it would still be pretty sweet to have for my desk.

In robot mode, this "figure" is a 105mm (about 4 inches) tall and as a pen it's 143mm (about 5-1/2 inches).  It comes in two versions, classic red and blue Convoy, and Black Convoy.  They will cost about $40 each.  They are available for pre-order now.

Classic Convoy:
Black Convoy:

"Calligrobots, Roll Out!" -Optimus Pen

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