Tuesday, April 29, 2014

E.T. Atari game found...in my wife's Basement!

Sunday a afternoon, my wife and I took a trip to her parents' home to search through her old stuff to see if there was anything that she wanted to bring home. While there, she let me go through the basement in search of old toys.  I found some boxes of old Lego parts, Beetlejuice action figures,  Batman trading cards, and Atari games.  I remember thinking to myself that is was funny that that I had just read about how a documentary was being filmed about Atari. That they had been looking into what had been consider an urban legend; an entire mountain of E.T. games that were so crappy that there was no choice but to literally bury every remaining copy in a dump.  Just that morning it had been revealed that it was true!

And here I was with a box of old Atari games.  And what was this I spied on top?  Friggin' E.T.-The Extra-Terrestrial video game!  No way did this happen by chance.  I was meant to have one of if not theee worst game of all time in my hands, just so I could bear witness to awesome crappiness (or is it crappy awesomeness?)  

This thing still had it's instruction manual in almost perfect shape!  Not that you really needed it, because from what I've heard, the game never really worked to begin with.  Anyway, I went ahead and scanned it for to share.

The art's not half bad for an Atari game.  Most didn't get any art.

Ain't nobody ever going to get E.T. home in this game.

WOW! Those character designs are flawless.

I like to think that if they had used CGI, this is what E.T. would have looked like.
A green booger.

Every hint should be that humans can't do sh*t in this game.
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