Friday, May 30, 2014

S.H. Figuarts Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal Figure

Bandai has released new images for their upcoming S.H. Figuarts Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal Figure. The figure which stands around 5.5" tall will include multiple points of articulation for various dance poses as well as interchangeable hands, jacket body and a special shadow stand to re-create his pose from the music video. Look for this figure to be released in September 2014 for 4,500 Yen.
I'm not quite as big of a fan of this era of MJ's career, but this is still a pretty cool toy.  I especially like what they did with the base.  I'm curious as to how this will look side-by-side with the Figma figure, which personally I like a lot more. (see image to the right>)

By the way, 4,500 yen is about $45USD.  This is about average price for these kinds of import figures.

Friday Funnies for May 30th, 2014

Well kids, it's that time again.  I really enjoy 4 day work weeks.  What does everyone think of the new format?  Also be sure to check out the rest of the site, there's some good stuff there. 

If you missed last week's Friday Funnies CLICK HERE.

NECA's SDCC Exclusive Predator Action Figure

NECA is doingt another SDCC exclusive Predator this year and it looks awesome.  They revealed some pictures today on their site  Below is what they had to say, along with a photo, be sure to check their site for more info and images.

Ex Gokin Transformers Optimus Prime and Grimlock by Art Storm

I just spotted these really incredible looking action figures of Optimus Prime and Grimlock over at The figures a actually Ex Gokin die-cast metal alloy models by a company called Art Storm. I really love the look of them. They look exactly as I picture them from the original Transformers cartoon (Generation 1). Yes, these are Transformers that don't transform, but I've always been more of a fan of the robots then what they turn into, although Grimlocks T-Rex modes has always been one of my favorites.

They are both around 6 inches tall. Between the great look of the figures, the abundant articulation, and all the wonderful accessories, these are figures I really really want in my collection. The problem is the price. The Optimus is about $95 amd the Grimlock $125!  Yikes!  I'm not going to be getting these any time soon. Nice to look at though.

Disney Infinity 2.0 Marvel Superheros coming Autumn 2014

I can't say I've played any game of the Infinity toy line.  You know the ones I mean, the ones that you usually pass by in the video game section of your favorite store, that have a bunch of different Disney figures and when you place them on a special playmat, they do something cool on the screen.  Now that they're doing a Marvel storyline for their Infinity figures featureing the Avengers team, Spiderman, and the upcoming Gaurdians of the Galaxy.  Maybe I'll be grabbing some to try out. For science.  You can check out more info, as I did, about Disney Infinity here. Happy Gaming! - Kevshiro

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The MPAA Rejected Eva Green Poster for Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For is the follow up to Rodriguez and Miller's 2005 groundbreaking film, Frank Miller's Sin City.

A few weeks back, 5 character posters where released for Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.  It turns out, there was a sixth poster that was rejected by the the MPAA of Eva Green.  To read more about it, head over to SuperHeroHype.  Here is the poster in question:

The Wish List: Contra Action Figures

The Wish List is an article that we'll be doing here at HiddenLevel that will consist of one or more contributors discussing something they would like to see become a reality.  It could be anything from a movie property made by a certain director, an action figure that has never been made, new video game downloadable content, or anything else they can dream up.  Some things will be less likely of ever becoming a reality than others.  Today's wish list item is from Brunpuppies.

Something I've wanted to see for years, especially now that we have so many great video game action figures from NECA, is a set of Contra action figures.  Contra for the Nintendo Entertainment System, was one of the most important games from my childhood.  Friendships, alliances, and rivalries were formed due to that game. Countless hours were spent beating the game over and over a gain.

For those of you unfamiliar with the game, here is the basic plot:
In Contra, the player controls one of two armed military commandos named Bill "Mad Dog" Rizer and Lance "Scorpion" Bean, who are sent on a mission to neutralize a terrorist group called the Red Falcon Organization that is planning to take over the Earth. 
Details of the game's setting varies between supplementary materials: the Japanese versions sets the game in the year 2633 on the fictional "Galuga archipelago" near New Zealand, whereas the manual for the American NES version sets the game during the present in an unnamed South American island. The American storyline also changes the identity of "Red Falcon" from being the name of a terrorist organization to the name of an alien entity.
What's really important is that the game involved a lot for shooting, jumping, and yelling at your buddy to stop going through so many lives.  Almost every child of the 80's still has the incredibly crucial code, up up down down left right left right B A (select start), ingrained in their memories.  With out this code that upped the amount of lives a player had from 3 to 30, the game was nearly impossible to complete.  Maybe more so than any other game at the time, this was an 8-bit masterpiece that you really wanted to play along side a friend rather than solo.  

In this two-player mission to protect Earth from Red Falcon, you were represented by a pair of red and blue grabbed commandos, Mad Dog and Scorpion, but the cover art revealed a little more about the game influences.  You were clearly playing as Arnold "Dutch" Schwarzenegger and Sylvester "Rambo" Stallone. This is who I see the action figures being based on.  John Harmon over at Mint Condition Customs captured this perfectly.
Click Here for more pictures.
Both figures are made off of NECA action figure bases and NECA has also making all the best video game figures in the past few years, so they are the logical choice to make this wish a reality.  I'm sure the likenesses would be impossible to obtain, especially since they have nothing to do with the properties, but one can dream.  I would be fine with generic head sculpts as long has the figures included the different lasers and bullets to clip on the ends of the guns.  For now I may need to get a whole lot better at painting and customizing and just make my own set.

Chances of ever being made are 5/10.

Just for the heck of it, I want one of these too:

X-Men: Days of Back to the Future Past

It was bound to happen.  The Warp Zone went and combined X-Men: Days of Future Past and Back to the Future.  Check out their fun little skit:

Click Here if video does not appear.


Mr. Sunday Movies has put together a video of (almost) every Easter Egg (hidden reference) made in X-Men: Days of Future Past.  Obviously, if you haven't seen the movie, there are a lot of spoilers in this video.  Enjoy!

Click Here if video does not appear.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Say Wah!? Anna from Frozen in GTA!

Yep, someone went and combined Disney's Frozen with the GTA video games.  It's about what you would expect when you mix the two.  Fair warning, there's a bit of swearing in this video.

Click Here if video does not appear.

Evil Within delayed until October 21st, 2014

It really upsets me when game developers/publishers delay their titles. For example, they can show you a cool title this year and everyone expects it to come out the next and when the time finally comes around, gamers are constantly disappointed that the title isn't coming out until the following year.

In Comic Book Stores the Week of May 28, 2014

Here is a list of all the comic books and related merchandise coming out today, May 21, 2014.Check your local comic book store foravailability.
TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ("AR" means "ask your retailer for the price")

Say Wah!? Baby Skeletor has come out with one of the oddest exclusives yet, a baby doll of Skeletor.  Yes, the Skeletor from Masters of the Universe and nemesis to He-Man. This thing is just crazy. I'm not judging anyone who wants one of these, I'm just curious as to who does. Although the more I look at the picture of him on the Panthor potty, the more it makes me crack up, which I guess makes it a pretty fun novelty.

McFarlane Toys: Walking Dead Daryl and Merle Action Figure Review

Today's review is of McFarlane Toy's Walking Dead action figures, Daryl and Merle Dixon.  The Daryl figure represents his standard biker vest look and comes with his ride of choice, a Triumph chopper, while his brother Merle's figure depicts him after he's been turned into a zombie.  Originally I was just going to just get Daryl, but you can't very well have someone from Walking Dead and not have a zombie for him to fight.  In this case, who better than his very own brother.  These latest WD releases have all looked great but I've held off buying until now (for reasons I will explain later) so let's see whether or not I regret my purchase.

Artist Spotlight: Noel Cruz

Today's Artist Spotlight is of an amazing doll repaint artist named Noel Cruz.  You can see more of his amazing face repaints at his website and bid on his work when it becomes available on his Ebay page.  What really draws me to these repaints are the detail in the eyes as that's what, in my opinion, makes a figure really pop.  Even the most expensive figures nowadays just do a too simplified quick paint job.  I chose to list just some of my personal favorites but definitely give his site a look to view some more of his highly detailed work. - Kevshiro

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Say Wah!? Scooby-Doo in the WWE

I was checking out the toy aisle at K-Mart today when I saw this:

This is not something I knew was happening.  Not that I really should, I don't follow wrestling at all, I just thought it was so completely bizarre.  Who even proposed such a thing?

New Blu-ray Day! May 27, 2014

It's Tuesday and do you know what that means.  New Blu-ray Release Day!  Check out some of the Blueray's you can buy below and let us know if we missed any of your favorites.

Leonardo and Bebop by Matt Kaufenberg

I would love to see an entire cartoon series or at very least an episode of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles done entirely in this style.  It's just too perfect. This illustration was done by a very gifted artist, Matt Kaufenberg.  For more of his work, check out

X-Men: Days of Future Past Critique

It's important that I start this article off by saying I enjoyed X-Men: Days of Future Past quite a bit.  In fact, it is probably my favorite X-Men related movie to date.  The reason it is imperative that I state this is because I will spend the rest of this "critique" ripping the movie apart.  I promise it's out of love for these mutant characters. While X:DoFP is an extremely entertaining and enjoyable film, it is also riddled with issues that keep it from being the best comic book movie of all time.

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is Coming!

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is coming and I can't wait!  The first two were so much fun.  They are some of the few games I can play with both my wife and nephew.  I hope this finally inspires Lego to do a line of Batman blind-pack minifigures of all the various batsuits.

Here are the new poster, trailer, images, and press release:

Check out all 13 episodes of the live action Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist here

Hey you Street Fighter fans, the live action Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist web series is now available. Check out all 13 episodes below:

Watch Dogs releases today!!

Well ladies and gentlemen the highly anticipated title from developer Ubisoft; Watch Dogs, releases today on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360. Check out the launch trailer below, just in case you missed it.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Bananaman: The Movie!!!

The greatest superhero of all time is going to the big screen.

That's right, it's….

Here is the first teaser poster for this most epic of films:

X-Men Movie Timeline

This great X-Men movie timeline from makes it a heck of a lot easier to keep track of what's going on in the films.  With 7 movies to keep track of, even the most hardcore X-Geek might have trouble remembering what's what.

A Memorial Day Salute

Today we salute and honor all those that gave their lives for this great country.

Thank you for your service.

Jump the Gun: Dawn of Planet of the Apes

Jump the Gun is a semi-weekly article where two or more HiddenLevel contributors voice their gut reactions to upcoming movies. Their opinions are based solely on what trailers, press releases, and information is available around the internet, oh, and of course their own personal bias towards the source material. None of the opinions are based on actually having watched the movie. Each reviewer retains the right to change their view after having watched the movie, if they ever bother to do so. After all, who wants to waste their money on a movie that looks like it’s going to suck? Unless you’re into that kind of thing.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

DC Designer Series: Batman Action Figure Review

Welcome to another HiddenLevel Action Figure Review!  The subject of today's review is DC COMICS DESIGNER SERIES: BATMAN ACTION FIGURE from DC Collectibles.  This action figure is based on a design by the best-selling artist, Greg Capullo.  It was an April-May release and is retail priced at $24.95US.  Other figures from this line include Nightwing, The Riddler, and Talon.  

Custom Action: AC Custom Figures is a site that's been on my radar for a few years now.  AC is an amazing action figure customizer that makes wonderfully constructed and cleanly painted figures that fit perfectly into existing toy lines.  He makes Marvel Legend and DC Universe Classics figures that look better than what you'll find on toy shelves.  Luckily for us that don't have his talent, he takes commissions and occasionally sells customs on ebay.

About AC Custom Figures:
Hello true believers, this is AC! I am a huge comic book culture fan, and have been since I was a kid. A large part of my upbringing was centered around the 6 inch representations of the characters that we all came to know and love. However, as many of you will agree, as figures grew and evolved so did my desire to see my favorite characters in their different costumes, as well as some of those characters that never got a figure to begin with.
So I started making my own customs.
I started AC Custom Figures simply as a place to display my work, and then I realized not only how much I enjoyed my work, but others as well. So I figured what better than your own business doing something you love! And AC Custom Figures was born.
I work mostly in the 6″ scale (a few 3.75″), and I do everything from super heroes to movies, TV to video games, and even real people! I love working with Marvel Legends and DC Universe 6″, Neca, Figuarts, DBZ, and Star Wars, but feel free to inquire about anything!
I take commissions year round, so please feel free to contact me with any commissions and I will get back to you ASAP: accustomfigures at hotmail dot com
Here are some samples of AC's action figure customs:

20 Great X-Men Cosplay

In honor of this week's smash hit, X-Men: Days of Future Past, here are a few awesome cosplays that serve as proof that the comic costumes can work in real life.

(If anyone has any further information on the Unknowns, please let us know in the comments.)

Just Passing Through by *jaytablante on deviantART

Jubilee by *jaytablante on deviantART

Model: Yaya Han
Photography: SuperHero Photography by Adam Jay
Wolverine by MrAdamJay

X-23, X-Men, by Hyokenseisou-Cosplay.

Domino, Unknown

Nightcrawler, X-Men, by Woody Lee Almazan.

Polaris, X-Factor by Sara Moni

Cyclops, X-men, by Moshunman.

Phoenix by Alexia-jean-grey | Photo by Insane-Pencil

Rogue, costume made and modeled by me, BelleChere
Pic by ModelMosa, taken in Taipei, Taiwan. 

X-23 / Laura Kinney Photographer: JwaiDesign Photography

Rogue, Unknown

Jessica LG as Mystique shot by Saffels Photography

Emma Frost, Dayna Baby Lou

Rogue, Ruschiko

Emma Frost by jaytablante
Storm, Unknown
Gambit and Rogue, Unknown
Psyloche by Stylechameleon