Jump the Gun is a semi-weekly article where two or more HiddenLevel contributors voice their gut reactions to upcoming movies. Their opinions are based solely on what trailers, press releases, and information is available around the internet, oh, and of course their own personal bias towards the source material. None of the opinions are based on actually having watched the movie. Each reviewer retains the right to change their view after having watched the movie, if they ever bother to do so. After all, who wants to waste their money on a movie that looks like it’s going to suck? Unless you’re into that kind of thing.
How To Train Your Dragon 2
(June 13, 2014)
Movie Summary: 5 years after Hicuup and Toothless joined all the dragons and vikings together in peace, a new cave discovery finds more dragons and a new legendary rider.
Brunpuppies - I really ended up liking the first one to the point that it may be my favorite Dreamworks movie with Kung Fu Panda a close second. It really had a level of heart that elevated it to Pixar levels. This is a movie I would probably like to take my niece and nephew to see.
Verdict - I’d see this in theaters with the kids.
Kevshiro - I liked the first How to Train Your Dragon, also caught the Christmas special they did on TV as well, and this second one doesn’t look too bad either. Although I didn’t get to see the first movie in the theater and caught it on DVD, I’ll definitely be watching this one...on DVD as well.
Verdict - DVD
SolidMike - I’ve always been a fan of CGI films, such as Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Kung Fu Panda. However, I’ve never seen one on the ‘big screen’ and I will continue that tradition by waiting for this film to be release on Blu-ray and DVD.
Verdict - Will wait for release on Blu-ray/DVD.
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