Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Shield Season Finale Review! SPOILERS!

The season finale is finally here and for someone who has been following the show since the beginning, I have to say that it has definitely come a long way.  I can't say that it's been great all the way through but it's definitely made some great steps towards being a better show.

The season finale had some great surprises all along the way.  The biggest one of all was Nick Fury who stopped on by to rescue Fitz and Simmons who were stuck at the bottom of the ocean.  The best part is he even stayed on long enough to fight alongside Agent Coulson to help defeat Hydra Agent Garrett who was played by big, bad Bill Paxton.

There are a lot of questions though that I just have to wonder:

1.  Why didn't Melinda May kill Agent Ward.  He's been killing multiple people all over plus he tried to kill Fitz/Simmons.  Why keep this bastard alive?  Maybe she feels for him, not because they slept together, but as an agent because he was just following orders?

2.  So where is Iron Man?  If Maria Hill is now working for Tony Stark, then why the hell couldn't she just make a call, and get Ironman's help.  "Hey Ironman, some kids just got stuck at the bottom of the ocean."  "Oh, ok Maria Hill, I'll just send one of my many suits that I can control with my mind (I know he blew up a lot of his suits but you know he has a bunch more) and just get them out".  Problem solved!

3.  I know that they already explained that Captain America was out of the picture but where the heck was Hawkeye during the whole process as I'm pretty sure he's an Agent of Shield as well.  And where is the Hulk?  Why weren't they helping to stop this?  Hyrda starts to take over Shield and the rest of the Avengers do nothing?  I thought they were a team?

4.  Wouldn't it have been nice to have Nick Fury toss Agent Coulson his cards back and maybe even this time signed by Captain America, that would've just ended the show perfectly.

So now for the next season, Agent Coulson has to rebuild Shield from the ground up, starting with a tiny little "toolbox", as Agent Fury puts it.  It also looks like he's going to have some help from Agent Eric Koenig played by Patton Oswalt, who I've been a fan of since Reno 911.  I'm really glad they didn't kill him off and that he has a twin or could it a be a Life Model Decoy??  Only the best Shield agents have one.  I'm really hoping that since he's as big a comic book fan as the rest of us, maybe he can steer Agents of Shield in the right direction.

It also looks like Agent Coulson has some of that alien power coming out now, so maybe he is also going to go mad with power.  We also get to see who Skye's father is, but I'm really not that interested in her past unless he is some super villain Marvel character...please let it be that!

My wish list for the next season:

1. Bring on some more characters like Lorelei, Lady Sif, and Deathlok.  Those were some great additions and more episodes should feature a lot more characters like that.  The Marvel universe is huge, let them all come out to play!

2.  Bring out Graviton!  I'm really hoping that he makes it into the next Avenger's movie as he really has some cool powers and I'm sure it's going to take the Avenger's to stop them.  Better yet, put him in Agent's of Shield and make a special 2 hour Christmas episode of it where the Agents of Shield and Avengers have a happy little crossover.

I'm really hoping they didn't lose too many people in the beginning and the next season will get a larger audience and bring in more marvel character's.  PLEASE!


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