Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Evil Within delayed until October 21st, 2014

It really upsets me when game developers/publishers delay their titles. For example, they can show you a cool title this year and everyone expects it to come out the next and when the time finally comes around, gamers are constantly disappointed that the title isn't coming out until the following year.

But I digress, hopefully (and I do mean hopefully) Bethesda's The Evil Within does not follow the same route of the titles that got pushed into next year. The game was originally set to be release in August, but got pushed back 2 months to be release this October. My fear is that game is going to get pushed until next year, because October is already packed with some pretty heavy titles such as; Batman: Arkham Knight and Dragon's Age: Inquistion.

In any case, Bethesda figured that they would release a video to somewhat ease the anger from the horror fans that were patiently waiting for this title. There was some controversy this past April at PAX East that The Evil Within was just another generic third person shooter with some pretty creepy monsters but no scare factor. The video didn't anything for me, but maybe it will work for you. Check out the video below:


  1. I hope it's so they can have time to get out a quality product.

    1. It usually means they're about to serve up a s#!t sandwich.

  2. This game looks pretty sick, I love playing these types of games.
