Thursday, May 1, 2014

Manga: Berserk Vol. 7 review

Berserk Vol. 7

I've been a fan of Berserk for a long time and have just recently been able to get my hands on some manga books of the series. Each volume is quite large, about 130+ pages so it takes some time to finish 1 book...well at least for me it does. Anyway, if you're a fan of blood, guts, and giant swords slicing thru armor then volume 7 is the one you want to read.

It's starts off where the last chapter ended, Gats and Caska fell off of a cliff luckily into a river below with Gats pulling Caska out and keeping her safe and hidden while the enemy searches for them. In the meantime, they bond for a bit and Caska tells Gats of Griffiths hidden secret, you're just going to have to read that part to be as shocked as I was.  They decide to try to get back to camp but are caught by 100 soldiers and their pompous general. Gats and Caska have to fight to survive but when you have a giant 8ft sword that can pretty much slice through anything, a few hundred men should be no problem.  Gats cleaves his way thru defending Caska who is still weak from her "Aunt flow", shall we say.  Caska runs away vowing to return to Gats to help him but he could care less, he just wants to cut men down.

This is definitely one of my favorites in the Anime and the Manga as well as it tells so much of the story thru flashbacks and philosophical views on life and following blood, guts, and female issues. If you haven't read any of the series this one should put you in for a great read. Definitely give it a shot. - Kevshiro


  1. This looks interesting, I'll have to put this on my read list.

    1. Just watch the remakes of the first film, they're really good.

    2. I'm kind of a fan reading the manga/comic before watching the anime/movie. Do you know how close the movie is to the book?

  2. They're pretty close to the story. There's a few changes here and there but for the most part they stay true to the manga especially the newest movies. They take out some of the rape and molestation but only some of it :D
