Thursday, May 8, 2014

Bayonetta 2 and Monolith Soft's X is set to release in 2014

While the Nintendo Wii U is taking a severe beating in the sales department. There's still hope for the gamers who purchased the system (such as myself) that wants to play more than Super Mario Bros U and Mario Kart 8.

According to the Big N's financial result briefing for 2014  the company listed titles confirmed for both the Wii U and 3DS that will be release this year. Two titles that were on that list that should get every Wii U owner super excited was that both; Bayonetta 2 and Monolith Soft's X will release this year in all territories.

Now gamers kind of figured that Bayonetta 2 was going to release sometime this year based off the company's last Nintendo Direct's back in February. I have my doubts about Monolith Soft's X though. I mean the game doesn't even have an official name yet. If somehow Nintendo can manage to get this mysterious title out this year I'm all for it. Check out the trailers for both games below:

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