Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hollywood-Ready Heroes: Aquaman

Hollywood-Ready Heroes is an article where I and/or any other HiddenLevel contributor will pick a character that hasn't had their day in the spotlight yet, and does not currently have a movie planned, that we feel deserve a chance on the big screen.

For my first installment I'm going easy by picking a DC character and maybe this one is a little obvious... but I'm gonna go with....

That's right, Aquaman.  As far as I know, even with the Justice League in the works, I have not heard or read anything other than some weak rumors of an Aquaman movie so I'm going to leave those as just rumors.  

It's time to get something out there to make people picture him not as how he was portrayed in Super Friends (or Robot Chicken, although that episode is pretty funny).  It doesn't have to be exactly like the New 52 version, but Aquaman was one of the characters that I think really benefited from the comics reboot. A movie might also benefit with that same tone, if it even included some elements of the first story arc from the reboot.  If a movie could be made that was dark, serious, and really showcased his powers I think people would actually really like the character.  There's so many things that could be done with the character.  As far as fighting goes, you could include some pretty crazy sea monster fights, or if you like some more drama to your fights a good battle of wits and muscle could be had with Aquaman and Ocean Master (maybe over Atlantis in a Game of Thrones style fight for the crown). That and I'm just a big Aquaman fan and I don't want to see him left out of the Justice League.

So here's my list of Do's and Don't's for for what I'd like to see in an Aquaman movie
  • Showcase his powers under water as well as on land, you need to show that he isn't just a fish out of water and that he can run with the rest of the Justice Leaguers.  It needs to be shown that he is a bad ass, or people still won't take him seriously.
  • Kind of obvious, but the villain HAS to be either Black Manta or Ocean Master.  Just stick with Arthur's top villains, don't take a risk on a lesser villain unless they're there for just a minimal role.
  • Stay away from the "VEEPVEEPVEEP" , not the telepathic power of commanding sea life but the noise.  Maybe some Aquaman fans might not like that, but personally I think it reinforces his lame image.  Also it's too reminiscent of the old Aquaman and that power should be portrayed as a powerful and useful asset.
  • He needs to be at least equally involved with Atlantis (or more) as with the world on land.  One of the things I didn't like about Thor (the first one) and Green Lantern (among many other things in GL) was that they spent too much time on Earth and not enough time in Asgard and Oa/space.
  • Have some type of connection to the DC universe in some capacity, whether it's cameos or just references, something would be nice.
If they stick to those points, and of course obvious things like casting and whatnot I think Aquaman could really become a popular and favorite character to many.  As far as casting goes though, I don't really have anyone in mind, but mostly because it seems that studios prefer to go with an up and comer for monetary reasons and to make sequels more likely if the movie does well.
I mean, that's pretty awesome, right?


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