Thursday, May 1, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Mutilor

One of my very favorite cartoons as a kid was Voltron: Defender of the Universe.  The 12" action figure of Voltron was also one of my favorite toys.  Another figure from that line that I had a special fondness for was Mutilor.  He was a Robeast* that was meant to be a villain to the heroic Voltron Force.  The main problem with the figure was that it wasn't remotely close in size to either of the Voltron figures that I had so he didn't make for a very good rival.  This did stop me from enjoying the figure.  I was constantly using him to battle G.I. Joes or my Wolverine Toy Biz figure.  It played with that thing until he was beat to hell; thumb broken off and paint chipped away.  I long ago lost that little guy.

The other day, the same day I found the the E.T. Atari game, I also found my wife's (or her sister's) Mutilor figure and it was in perfect condition!  All this old memories rushed back.  He is now proudly displayed next to my other Voltron toys, with his eyes on my G.I. Joe display.

*Robeasts: Monsters of the Drule Empire that they send to fight the two Voltrons of the Galaxy Alliance.The robeasts from planet Doom were created through superscience and/or Haggar's magic, some of them simply being giant robots piloted by Doom soldiers or fully automated.The Drule robeasts that battled the Explorer were uniformly technology based.
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