Monday, May 26, 2014

Jump the Gun: Dawn of Planet of the Apes

Jump the Gun is a semi-weekly article where two or more HiddenLevel contributors voice their gut reactions to upcoming movies. Their opinions are based solely on what trailers, press releases, and information is available around the internet, oh, and of course their own personal bias towards the source material. None of the opinions are based on actually having watched the movie. Each reviewer retains the right to change their view after having watched the movie, if they ever bother to do so. After all, who wants to waste their money on a movie that looks like it’s going to suck? Unless you’re into that kind of thing.

Dawn of Planet of the Apes

(July 11, 2014)

Movie Summary: After fighting a deadly virus that wipes out most of the Earth's population, mankind is trying to rebuild. The genetically modified apes, which have lived in peace, now face a growing threat of fear and prejudice from humans who wish to see them dead.

Brunpuppies - Rise of the Planet of the Apes really surprised me.  I liked it a heck of a lot more than I expected to.  As soon as it ended I was ready to see what was next.  I want this next one to be Epic with a capital E.  I want to own the action figures from NECA right now.  And I want to pretend that the Tim Burton movie never happened.
I really hope this doesn’t disappoint.  The preview they showed during the finale of the Walking Dead looked sick.

Verdict - Opening Day

Kevshiro -  I liked the previous film, not the mark Walburg one that was kinda meh.  I was interested at how the apes got their knowledge and that they just wanted to be free to live on their own.  Or at least, that’s what they say they wanted.  And then SPOILER ALERT: the surprise ending of how the human population become dwindled down to few.  I’m looking forward to the next installment.  Hopefully it’ll live up to it’s first part and not fall into the sequels suck routine.

Verdict - DVD for me.

SolidMike - I thought the “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” was really good. I read an article sometime back that the story told in that film and the new one (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) was going to lead to the events that occur in the oscar award winning film “Planet of the Apes” with Marky-Mark (Mark Wahlberg). I don’t know how true that article was, so don’t quote me on that. In any case, after seeing a short clip of the new film, I felt cheated, because I really didn’t see anything. It was just a bunch of apes on a bunch of horse's backs. But maybe I missed something, maybe the horses are going to somehow rebel against the apes and humans and be the dominant race…….just a thought.

Verdict - Will see in theaters

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