Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lego Star Wars Barrel Organ

This Lego Star Wars Barrel Organ is cooler than it sounds...

...and it sounds pretty cool.

The following info comes from :

Back in 2012, a team of LEGO builders based in Germany, including Lego Certified Professional Rene Hoffmeister, built a Star Wars barrel organ in honor of the release of Star Wars Episode I in 3D. 
Now permanently installed at LEGOLAND Germany, this fascinating barrel translates 20,000 intricately arranged LEGO bricks to music when manually rotated. 
According to team member, Lorenz Lnggrtnr, the team translated the iconic Star Wars theme music into a matrix, which was the construction blueprint for the organ. 
Following which, they built four Star Wars worlds—Hoth, Tatooine, Endor and the Death Star—on to the barrel, according to the musical composition. 
The result of their efforts means that every time the organ is turned, the bricks touch mechanical sensors, striking the keys of a built-in keyboard and play the Star Wars Main Theme. 

Check out the videos and pictures of this thing, it's incredible!

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