Thursday, May 15, 2014

Jump the Gun: Maleficent

Jump the Gun is a semi-weekly article where two or more HiddenLevel contributors voice their gut reactions to upcoming movies. Their opinions are based solely on what trailers, press releases, and information is available around the internet, oh, and of course their own personal bias towards the source material. None of the opinions are based on actually having watched the movie. Each reviewer retains the right to change their view after having watched the movie, if they ever bother to do so. After all, who wants to waste their money on a movie that looks like it’s going to suck? Unless you’re into that kind of thing.


May 30, 2014

Movie Summary: There's two sides to every story.  We now uncover the mystery behind one of Disney's greatest villains and learn to why she would be so cruel to want to place a curse on Aurora, the kings daughter, and place her in eternal sleep.

Brunpuppies - I have no idea why I have such a hard time pronouncing Maleficent correctly.  I think that alone will be the reason I don't see this in theaters.  How would I ask for tickets at the box office?  I guess I could just order them online.  Anyway...I don't really have anything negative to say about this movie, the look of it seems to be great, the story seems like it might be interesting, and there is no actor in the film that really bugs me, I just also don't have any huge interest in it.

This movie does seem to be another indication that Disney is really trying to step up their game when it comes to movies with strong female leads and I applaud that.  Angelina looks to be playing something more than a one note villain. Oh, and she looks completely spot on as the title character. It's as if she stepped right out of the original cartoon.

With my wife and I's current interest in fairy tale stories (my wife especially like Once Upon A Time and Grimm), I'm sure this will be a movie that we'll have some interest in seeing, probably just not in theaters.

Verdict - Will watch it at home...maybe...someday. 

Kevshiro - I first had my doubts about this film.  I didn't really care when watching the first teaser trailers but now, after watching the latest trailer and re-watching the original Disney animation, I have to say that I'm interested in knowing more about Maleficent.  Why would she show up unannounced and place a curse on an infant?  Who does that?  At least show some kind of wrong doing to Maleficent but no, according to Disney, she's just cruel and can't be loved.  Now we get to see more of the kingdom and the strange creatures that live in that world and I for one, am interested in knowing more.

Verdict - Theater

SolidMike - The trailer looks really good.......However, this just looks like another attempt of Disney trying to market themselves as a company that has somewhat matured. Angelina looks like she's playing the same character that she played as in the Tomb Raider films, just a different costume this time around. If I had a child, I would definitely go see this with him/her. But seeing how I grew up on this film and can't remember anything other than the Maleficent transforming into a dragon it's safe to say that I will wait for this to be premiere on Netflix.

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