Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Say Wah!? Baby Skeletor has come out with one of the oddest exclusives yet, a baby doll of Skeletor.  Yes, the Skeletor from Masters of the Universe and nemesis to He-Man. This thing is just crazy. I'm not judging anyone who wants one of these, I'm just curious as to who does. Although the more I look at the picture of him on the Panthor potty, the more it makes me crack up, which I guess makes it a pretty fun novelty.

Baby Skeletor® Figure

The Evil Lord of Destruction™ goes back in time… and turns into an itty bitty blue baby! This tale of a tyrannical tot, an unexpected detour, and buffalo wings comes from the twisted minds at one of our favorite stop-motion TV shows, and was the inspiration for this little guy. A must-have for true MOTUC fans, Baby Skeletor™ measures 12” tall (a total of 15” when sitting on his evil royal potty, including the potty) with articulation at the legs, shoulders and neck, and a face only a mother could… nope, sorry… even she thinks he’s hideous. The childish commander and his commode arrive in a unique closed-box throne package, and comes with a removable “Born to Rule” baby t-shirt and his Havoc Staff rattle. Baby Skeletor® may seem harmless, but remember… 80% of his body weight is in his horrible head!
(Click on images to enlarge)

From the description this is based on a skit from Robot Chicken, although they don't come right out and say it.  Here is a clip from the show:
Click Here if the video does not appear.


  1. I have seen the episodes of Robot Chicken featuring Baby Skeletor and I'm loving this little cutie.
    He is far more dark in RC and his evil plans are epic.

  2. They should have these in high schools and give then to teenagers when they're learning about childcare.

  3. I want one. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but I want it.
